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Steady Porch Farm
A specialty cut flower farm near Chase City, Virginia
Steady Porch Farm
A specialty cut flower farm near Chase City, Virginia
This website is actively under construction. Check back often!
A specialty cut flower farm near Chase City, Virginia
A specialty cut flower farm near Chase City, Virginia
The cut flower industry is a big one—Americans spend over $7 billion on cut flowers every year. Not that many decades ago, most US flowers were produced domestically. Now about 80% of cut flowers are imported, largely from South America. This is due in part to trade agreements intended to discourage narcotics production.
Local flowers look better, smell better, and last far longer than imported flowers. Imported flowers have already spent a good bit of time on planes and trucks before they get into your hands; they have an outsized carbon footprint and cannot be truly fresh. Furthermore, flowers grown overseas are not subject to the same labor and environmental standards and their production historically involves dangerous chemicals and exploitative labor practices.
Buying local flowers supports the local economy and is the sensible, sustainable choice.
Steady Porch Farm is proud to be a member of the ASCFG.